Here are our best tips and guides for Shopify bloggers! 

For more than 18 years, Shopify has been a go-to ecommerce solution for many small, medium and large businesses. Even though the platform has almost been perfected in terms of features and possibilities, there is one thing that’s slacking - the blog. That’s why we created this page where we combined all our guides and knowledge in one place, in-hopes of helping Shopify merchants that are struggling with their blogs.

Table of content

Our best SEO & website optimization tips

Let’s start with what merchants are most interested in - SEO! Have a look how you can improve your Shopify SEO:
Here’s where you should start - our complete guide on Shopify blogging:

Learn how to write the perfect title tags and meta descriptions that will GRAB customers' attention in SERPs.

Find all the best SEO apps for your Shopify store, personally curated by us! 

Here's our complete Shopify SEO checklist, developed in consultation with one of the top Shopify SEO agencies.

Having a clean URL structure is VITAL, don't miss this one out:

Proper usage of your blog categories comes a long way to establish authority on a certain topic, check our guide on that:

Learn how to properly size your images, it’s really important for site speed and user experience.

Our guides on adding important elements to you blog

Enough with SEO… This is where things get interesting. Let’s take a look at how you can add different elements to your blog posts so they convert and look better! Starting with how to add products to your blog posts. We think this is the most important one, as you can directly promote your products on blog posts that are relevant to what you are selling.

Our FREE Shopify blog template

And now, everything we talked about combined into one! We created the ultimate Shopify blog template (that’s free) for you to use! We thought about all the stuff we talked about in this page.


Last, but not least, let us present Bloggle! After 5 exciting years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, we launched Bloggle.Bloggle is an all-in-one blogging app that helps merchants with easy blog formatting & SEO!

What is Bloggle ?

✅ Intuitive no-code drag-and-drop blog builder 
✅ Create blogs that read well and rank high
✅ Easy import & start in minutes!

Don’t just take our word for it. Meet our community:

"The best shopify app to create a blog. Finally an application to make a real blog on a Shopify ! Bloggle is super easy to use. It allows you to create blog pages very quickly and easily. Very efficient drag and drop system."

Côme Filippi

"I love this app! Customer service is amazing and my blog posts really rank high because of their apps and helpful tips .Highly reccommend them"

Top For Days

Still have some doubts ?

Easily import your blogs within Bloggle.

Use our import feature to reformat your existing blogs within Bloggle

You can also create new blogs in Bloggle without importing the existing ones. Bloggle can work with previous blogs side-by-side! Magic.

You don’t need to be a  developer to use Bloggle

You create your content without coding. No HTML required, nor liquid, nor Javascript!

With Bloggle, 100% of your blog is yours.

You don’t lose all your previously created blogs if you leave. You keep everything stored on Shopify and we will never lock you with us.

It’s time to awake your sleeping blog.

Try Bloggle

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