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Julien Mamalian

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle.

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How to Add An Author in Shopify Blog: Everything You Need to Know

Published on Aug 30, 2022


Updated on Jul 02, 2024

Adding a Shopify blog author goes beyond mere attribution; it's a pivotal move for establishing trust and authority in Google's eyes. When you attach a name to your content, Google considers it more credible, impacting not just your blog's ranking but also the overall optimization of your site.

The native system of adding authors to a Shopify blog is limited to the users you have added on your store. In this article, we shall talk about how to comprehensively solve that limitation along with the step-by-step guide to add an author to your Shopify blog.

Why trust us?

  • We created Bloggle, a simple yet powerful Shopify blog builder to overcome the limitations of native Shopify blogging
  • Used by 2000+ merchants across 60 countries worldwide
  • Merchants love us - 4.9/5 rating on the app store
  • 55000+ blogs written using our easy-to-use app
  • Users report up to a 10x boost in SEO traffic and revenue under our guidance. 

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Benefits of adding an author to your blogs

Remember the last time you read an enlightening article on a blog page and wondered about the brains behind it? We often underestimate the power of a name, but in the world of online business, especially Shopify, a name brings with it a layer of authenticity.

Credibility and authority

When your Shopify blog features an author, it’s like a quality seal on a product. It tells your reader on your blog and social media, "Hey, someone stands behind this content." Imagine a product on your online store without a brand name; customers would be skeptical, wouldn't they? It's the same principle. Adding an author elevates the perceived value of your blog. How to add an author to Shopify blog shouldn’t just be a to-do list item; it should be a priority. And this is not just about blog articles; it's a strategy that can affect conversions as well.

Enhancing reader engagement

Engagement isn't just about catchy headlines and stunning visuals. When readers know who's speaking, they're more likely to engage, comment, and even share the post. They see you as a blogger, not just a faceless Shopify entity. This is how you add an author to your Shopify blog and transform it into a two-way communication channel.

SEO Impact

Google places value on trust and transparency. By adding a distinct author name and bio on your new blog through your Shopify account, you meet Google's guidelines and improve your blog's SEO. It’s a simple yet effective way to climb the search rankings and make your blog more credible..

Ownership & copyright

An unsigned painting is vulnerable to forgery; an anonymous blog post is susceptible to plagiarism. Adding an author creates a line of ownership. Moreover, unlike a WordPress blog where HTML edits can easily insert an author, Shopify offers an integrated solution for adding an author that also helps with rights management. For those who are considering how to add a blog author to Shopify, this should be a compelling reason. Your author's bio can also include any copyright notices or disclaimers.

Step-by-step guide to add/modify an author to Shopify blog

Step 1: Log into your Shopify store

Access your Shopify dashboard by logging in.

Step 2: Navigate to Settings

Click on the 'Settings' tab located at the bottom of the sidebar.

Step 3: Access Users and permissions

From your Shopify admin, access 'Users and Permissions' to add blog posts with a new author.

Step 4: Add new staff

Click the 'Add staff' button under the Staff section.

Pro Tip

You can use a Shopify blog app, like Bloggle to add unlimited authors, without creating new staff!

Step 5: Input Author details

Fill in the first name, last name, and email fields for the new author and save.

Step 6: Set permissions

Tick the appropriate boxes in the permissions list.

Step 7: Send invitation

Click 'Send invite' to email login credentials to the new author.

Modifying Author attributes

Not only can you add an author, but this setup also lets you easily tweak an author's attributes. Whether it's updating the name, changing the bio, or adjusting permissions, it's all manageable from the author section. If situations change, you can also suspend or remove an author’s access from the same page.

Limitations of Shopify and the Solution

Though Shopify is a powerful platform, it's not without its restrictions, especially when it comes to managing blog authors. Let's break down these limitations:

Limitation 1: Number of authors limited by plan

Shopify's basic plan restricts you to a maximum of five staff accounts. If you're looking to diversify your blog with multiple voices, you'll quickly hit this ceiling.

Limitation 2: Removing authors is cumbersome

Shopify doesn't offer a simple way to remove authors from individual blog posts without deleting them from the database entirely. This makes it difficult to manage guest authors or one-off contributions.

Limitation 3: No Guest Author feature

You can't add a guest author for a single post without adding them as a permanent staff member, limiting your ability to feature one-time contributions.

Solution: Bloggle

Enter Bloggle, a Shopify app designed to address these limitations. With Bloggle and other plugins, you can add unlimited authors, easily remove or replace them on individual posts, and even feature guest authors without adding them to your staff accounts.


1. Can a blog have multiple authors?

Certainly, having multiple authors can greatly enrich your Shopify blog's content. It allows for a wider range of topics and styles, and it can even foster a sense of community among readers who follow specific authors. However, keep in mind that the basic Shopify plan does limit the number of staff accounts you can have, but this limitation can be overcome with apps like Bloggle.

2. How do I add another author to my Shopify blog?

Adding another author follows the same steps as adding the first one. Simply go to 'Users and Permissions' under 'Settings,' click on 'Add staff,' and input the new author's details. Make sure to set the permissions according to what tasks you want this author to handle.

3. How to change author name on Shopify blog?

If you wish to modify an author's name, this can be easily done from the 'Users and Permissions' section where you initially added them. You'll find an option to edit their existing details, including their name.

4. How to Add an Author to New or Existing Posts?

Once the author has accepted the email invitation and created their account, you can add them to new or existing posts. While creating or editing a blog post, you'll find an 'Author' field where you can type in the name of the desired author.

5. Is It Possible to Add a Guest Author for One-Off Posts?

Shopify's built-in features don't support adding guest authors for single posts without making them a staff member. Guest authors can be great for SEO. However, third-party apps like Bloggle offer this flexibility.


Managing your Shopify blog might appear overwhelming at first glance, but rest assured, it's entirely within your grasp.

The act of adding an author transcends a mere procedural step; it's a calculated strategy with tangible benefits for your blog, including SEO benefits. Now that you're aware of Shopify's limitations—and how Bloggle can help you surmount them—why not act?

Turn your Shopify blog into more than just an appendage to your store; make it a dynamic asset for building both customer relationships and your brand.

Julien Mamalian

CEO, Bloggle

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle. Our mission? To assist merchants worldwide in crafting compelling articles that rank high in SEO and truly engage their audience. In just 3 years, over 2,000 clients have trusted us, publishing more than 55,000 articles through Bloggle. Thanks to them, I’ve learned the keys to success and the pitfalls to avoid

It’s time to awake your sleeping blog.

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