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Julien Mamalian

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle.

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How to Add Videos to Your Shopify Blog? (2024 Updated)

Published on Apr 04, 2023


Updated on Jul 02, 2024


If you're journeying through the Shopify ecosystem, consider videos as your north star. They're not just digital ornaments; they're a lifeline connecting you to your customers in a way that words or pictures alone can't. With videos, you're essentially inviting your audience into a virtual storefront, giving them a holistic sense of what you offer.

Our legitimacy to write about Shopify blogging:

  • Developed Bloggle, a solution to Shopify's blog limitations.
  • Trusted by 2,000+ stores across 60 countries.
  • A stellar 4.9/5 rating on the app store.
  • Empowered the launch of 55,000+ blogs.
  • Users report up to a 10x boost in SEO traffic and revenue under our guidance.

Consider Bloggle for a transformative approach to Shopify blogging.

In this article, I will show you how to easily embed a video to your Shopify blog. Let's get started!

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Why You Should Add Videos to Your Shopify Blog?

Stepping into the world of Shopify blogging is like navigating a bustling marketplace; you need a standout feature to rise above the din. Here's where videos come into play. They aren't just a fad; they're a foundational element that's crucial in adding video to your Shopify blog.

1. They Increase Engagement Rates

Engagement is the digital world's most coveted currency, and videos are the mint. When visitors come across a video on your blog, their cursor halts, and their attention shifts. Each second they linger fortifies your blog's standing with Google and boosts your SEO rankings, offering a practical application of how to embed video into Shopify. This might seem unbelievable but social video generates 1200% more shares than text and image content combined.

2. They Enhance Customer Experience

Sometimes online shopping feels like reading a restaurant menu through a window—close, yet so far. Videos break that glass. They allow prospective customers to see and feel the products, turning your blog into an interactive experience. According to Wyzowl, 91% of consumers want to see more online video content from brands. When you add video to Shopify store, you're not just selling products; you're selling an experience.

3. They Improve SEO Rankings

SEO isn't just a technical necessity; it's the backbone of your blog. Videos add another layer to that structural integrity. By adding video to Shopify store, you make your blog a multi-dimensional platform that Google's algorithms find irresistible. After all, diversity is not just the spice of life; it's the cornerstone of SEO.

“Videos enhance the depth and quality of your SEO content. Videos help you earn more backlinks.” - Jessica Bonacci, WebFX. Source.

The app is just AMAZING! Everything I ever wanted for our blog and SEO is here... and their support team is just ANOTHER LEVEL!
Love working on Bloggle! Excellent tool to make your blog very clean, eye-appealing, and 100% SEO oriented. Very intuitive to use.


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How to Add Video to Your Shopify Blog: A Step-by-Step Guide

Adding videos to your Shopify blog isn't just about copy-pasting a link. It's a nuanced process that requires careful consideration at each step. So, let's dissect the journey of embedding a video, from its digital birthplace on your hard drive to its final destination—your Shopify blog.

Preparing Your Video for Embedding

a. Video Format

Before you even contemplate clicking the "Shopify upload video" button, the first thing on your agenda should be determining the video format. Video MP4 usually takes the crown here—it's widely accepted across various devices and browsers. This is a pivotal step in mastering how to embed video into Shopify, ensuring your video isn't just seen but seen as intended.

b. File Size

The size of the video file is the next variable you should scrutinize. Large files are notorious for slowing down webpages, thereby tarnishing the user experience and potentially affecting conversion rates. Thankfully, numerous online tools, like or Clideo can compress your video without degrading quality, making this an investment of time well worth making.

c. Type of Video Content

Last but not least, ensure your video's content aligns with both your brand's ethos and the specific goals of your blog post. If you're planning to add sections that require different types of videos, plan accordingly. Whether your video serves to showcase a product video, offer a tutorial, or share customer testimonials, it should enhance, not distract from, the story you're constructing.

LimaLima: From 0 to 22k/month blog traffic using Bloggle

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How to Embed Video in Your Blog Post

You’ve meticulously prepared your video, making it web-ready and aligned with your brand. Now comes the part of embedding it in your Shopify blog. Essentially, you have a few ways to achieve this:

a. Using HTML for Video Embedding

If you're someone who finds solace in lines of code, HTML is your playground. Custom HTML gives you the liberty to customize the video settings to your heart's content, including the option to enable or disable autoplay. To take this path, you'll pluck the HTML embed code from the video hosting site of your choice—be it YouTube or Vimeo. You can use IMH to do this.  Then, you'll integrate this code into your Shopify blog's HTML editor. This method especially caters to those who are looking for ways to manually upload the video.

b. Using Shopify's Native Features

Should you prefer a straightforward method, Shopify has you covered. The platform itself comes equipped with user-friendly video embedding options and also offers native popups. Follow these steps below to embed a video on your Shopify blog:

  • Obtain the Embed Code: Navigate to the video on your chosen hosting platform (YouTube or Vimeo) and find the "Share" or "Embed" button. Clicking this button will display the embed code, which is an HTML snippet that you will insert into your blog post.
  • Access the Shopify Admin: Log in to your Shopify store and go to the admin panel. From there, navigate to "Online Store" > "Blog Posts" and either create a new blog post or select an existing post where you want to embed the video.
  • Edit the Blog Post: In the blog post editor, click on “Insert video”. This will reveal a popup, allowing you to insert the video embed code.
  • Preview and Save - and that’s it, you are done!

This is a godsend for those pondering how to add video to Shopify homepage without getting into the technical weeds.

By presenting these two options, Shopify respects your comfort zone, whether you are code-savvy (HTML) or prefer a point-and-click solution (Shopify tutorial). You have the freedom to choose the degree of control you desire.

I worked with a few other blog applications/websites but I strongly believe that Bloggle is the best and my personal favorite. It is very user-friendly and customer support responds quickly to any questions or issues I am having. If you are looking for a great blog builder, go with Bloggle! :)

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➡️ Check out Bloggle

How to Embed Videos on Your Shopify Blog with Bloggle

By now, you've only considered HTML and Shopify's native features for embedding videos. But what if there's another way, a way that offers you the best of both worlds in terms of customization and simplicity? Enter Bloggle—a game-changer in the Shopify universe.

a. Why Choose Bloggle?

For those looking to elevate their video embedding game, Bloggle offers a seamless, user-friendly solution. But why exactly should you opt for Bloggle when considering how to add video to Shopify? The answer lies in its unique integration with your Shopify store. Unlike other methods, Bloggle lets you focus on the content rather than the technicalities. No need to sift through HTML or navigate complex dashboards. Bloggle is designed to make the process as straightforward as possible.

b. Step-by-Step Guide to Add Video to Your Shopify Blog Using Bloggle

  • Install Bloggle: It all starts with a simple visit to the Shopify App Store. Type in "Bloggle," and there you are—one click away from adding a tool that revolutionizes how you add video to Shopify store blogs.
  • Navigate to Bloggle Dashboard: Once the app is installed, open your Shopify admin panel. Click on "Apps" and choose Bloggle. Welcome to your new video-embedding headquarters.
  • Create or Edit a Blog Post: Inside Bloggle's dashboard lies a realm of options. Choose 'Create blog post' or select an existing one. Here, you'll find an editor that values both your time and your desire for quality content.
  • Insert Video: A button labeled "Add Content" beckons. Click, and a list of content blocks appears. Select the video block, and a field for your video URL materializes. Paste the link, and Bloggle automates the embedding process for you.
  • Customize Video Appearance: Here's where Bloggle truly shines. Options for tweaking video dimensions, padding, and even background colors are at your fingertips. Tailor them to resonate with your Shopify store's aesthetics, keeping in mind how well they integrate with your chosen Shopify theme.
  • Preview and Publish: Satisfied with how things look? Hit preview. If it's all systems go, press publish. Your Shopify blog is now enriched with a video that not only entertains but also educates your audience.

By opting for Bloggle, you're choosing a tool that understands the nuances of Shopify. It offers a smoother sail through the choppy seas of video embedding, ensuring your Shopify blog remains an island of engagement in an ocean of digital content.

Flowrette: +1,000% blog traffic at 27k/mo

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Maximizing the Utility of Your Uploaded Video: ROI and Analytics

So you've taken the plunge and added a video to your Shopify blog. Kudos to you! But don't pop the champagne just yet. This section is designed to help you squeeze every last drop of utility from your uploaded video. After all, a video's worth is not just in its views but in the actionable insights it can provide. In fact, to demonstrate how powerful and effective a video is, nearly eight out of every ten users have purchased a piece of software or app after having watched the brand’s video.

Key Metrics to Track:

1. View Time

Consider view time as the pulse of your video's health. The longer viewers stay glued to the screen, the more invested they are in your content. It’s a critical variable when you ponder the ROI of how to add video to my Shopify store.

2. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

A high CTR doesn't just stroke your ego; it serves as a testament to your video's allure. If more people are clicking through, it’s a sign that your video is not just a pretty face but a compelling storyteller. This metric becomes particularly vital if you’re looking into how to embed video into your Shopify blog and actually make it work.

3. Engagement Rate

When people not only watch your video but also interact with it—through likes, shares, or comments—you know you’ve struck a chord. It's akin to applause at the end of a live performance, a clear sign that your message resonates.

4. Conversion Rate

The brass ring of video metrics is the conversion rate. Do viewers like your product enough to click that 'Buy Now' button? Or maybe you've piqued their interest to sign up for your newsletter? Whatever the desired action is, this metric tells you if your video is doing its job.

Tools for Video Analytics

Selecting the right analytics tool is as vital as choosing the right fertilizer for a garden; it helps you grow and flourish. Here are some tools specifically designed to offer metrics that are both actionable and enlightening.

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics serves as a comprehensive, multi-faceted control panel for your video metrics in a beginner-friendly way. It captures a sweeping range of data, from the length of time viewers spend watching your video to the rate at which they exit before finishing. But it goes beyond mere numbers. You can trace the geographic origins of your viewers, assess the devices they use, and even set up specific conversion goals that are tied directly to your video content. All this helps you make data-driven decisions for future content.

Google offers a comprehensive tool for beginners and advanced users.

2. Shopify Analytics

If you want to see how your video is affecting your Shopify store specifically, Shopify Analytics is your go-to tool. It tracks not just how many times your video is played but also if people are stopping it midway. Importantly, it correlates these video metrics to your sales data. You can also discern which devices are most commonly used to view your video, so you can make adjustments for mobile or desktop as needed.

Shopify makes your journey easier with its analytics.

3. Wistia

Imagine a tool that tells you what parts of your video make people rewind for a second look, or what parts make them hit skip. That's Wistia for you. Beyond the usual play rates, it offers heat maps and engagement graphs that help you understand viewer behavior in depth.

Wistia Heatmaps offering useful insights.

Read more at: Wistia

4. Vidyard

Ever wondered who exactly is watching your video? Vidyard removes that mystery by offering viewer-level analytics. It tells you who watched, how long they watched, and what actions they took afterward. The tool also serves up some SEO analytics, helping you assess how your video performs in search rankings. Plus, it comes with A/B testing capabilities, so you can continually refine your video elements.

Vidyard Analytics giving viewer-level analytics.

Source: Vidyard Analytics

5. Native Social Media Analytics - YouTube and Meta

While they may not have the bells and whistles of specialized analytics tools, your YouTube channel and Meta account give you a solid foundation. They offer metrics like the total number of views, how long people typically watch, and even some basic demographics. It's a good starting point for those just dipping their toes into video analytics.

YouTube studio offers tools to set up a solid foundation into video analytics.

TOPSFORDAYS: +24,000% blog traffic at 45k/mo

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Do's & Don'ts of Integrating Videos into Your Shopify Blog

Going through adding videos on your Shopify blogs is akin to walking a tightrope. On one side, you have the potential to captivate and convert, and on the other, the risk of missed opportunities and SEO pitfalls. But worry not; we've laid out a safety net for you. Below, you'll find a robust list of 'Do's and Don'ts' that serve as guiding stars on your journey of how to add video to Shopify blog.


1. Video SEO Tips

You might be thinking, "I've uploaded a video, now what?" Well, it doesn't end there. SEO rankings are crucial, and video SEO is a beast of its own. When you add video to Shopify, make sure to include metadata like video titles, descriptions, video links that are optimized ,and alt texts that feature your primary and secondary keywords. These small steps can make a world of difference when it comes to how to add video to my Shopify store for better SEO.

2. Optimizing Video Thumbnails

First impressions matter, especially online. Your video's thumbnail is that first impression. Use high-quality images that not only represent the video content but also intrigue your audience enough to click. A well-optimized thumbnail can enhance the click-through rates and extend the reach of your Shopify upload video.

3. Creating Video Transcripts

Have you ever considered the power of written words accompanying your video? A transcript doesn't just benefit those who prefer reading; it's an SEO goldmine. This can also be added to a popup template for those who want more context while watching the video. Transcripts allow search engines to understand your video content better, offering yet another avenue for how to embed video into your Shopify blog with added SEO benefits.


1. Poor Video Quality

Quality isn't just a preference; it's a requirement. Subpar visuals or muffled audio can negate all the hard work you've put into adding video to your Shopify store. The last thing you want is for a visitor to associate your brand with a lackluster presentation.

A bad quality video immediately puts a viewer off.

2. Ignoring Mobile Responsiveness

Remember, not everyone is browsing on a desktop. When you add video to Shopify, ensuring mobile compatibility isn't optional; it's imperative. Poor mobile optimization can lead to negative user experiences and, consequently, lower SEO rankings.

If the design is not mobile responsive, it becomes infeasible to consume content.

3. Loading Issues

Slow loading speeds are the Achilles' heel of online engagement. A video that takes forever to load not only frustrates visitors but also sends negative signals to search engines. If you've got a video that's more buffering than playing, you're essentially rolling out a red carpet for your visitors to exit.

Video buffering is one of the main reasons readers leave the page.

Final Words

Integrating video content into your Shopify blog transcends mere embellishment; it's a calculated strategy to amplify user engagement and SEO metrics. The pathways to this integration vary: the meticulous route via HTML, the straightforward approach using Shopify's built-in features, or the streamlined convenience offered by Bloggle. The objective remains constant: to construct a user experience that transcends the limitations of text-only content.


1. How Do I Embed a Video into a Shopify Blog?

Embedding a video in your Shopify blog can be as intricate or as simple as you make it. Whether you manually insert an HTML code from your chosen video host or opt for the native embedding functionalities of Shopify, the end result is a more interactive blog. If you're keen to avoid technical details, Bloggle offers a simplified method.

2. What Video Format Does Shopify Accept?

If you're pondering about the video formats compatible with Shopify, MP4 is generally your safest bet. This format is widely accepted and provides a seamless viewing experience across a multitude of devices and browsers.

3. How Do I Post a YouTube Video to My Shopify Blog?

To incorporate a YouTube video, you'll procure an HTML code from the "Share" or "Embed" options on YouTube. This snippet is then placed either directly into your blog post's HTML or via Shopify's native "Insert video" feature.

Julien Mamalian

CEO, Bloggle

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle. Our mission? To assist merchants worldwide in crafting compelling articles that rank high in SEO and truly engage their audience. In just 3 years, over 2,000 clients have trusted us, publishing more than 55,000 articles through Bloggle. Thanks to them, I’ve learned the keys to success and the pitfalls to avoid

It’s time to awake your sleeping blog.

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