

Top 7 Shopify Recipe Apps in 2024

Top 7 Shopify Recipe Apps in 2024

There are many recipe apps available on shopify, and it can be hard to decide which one to use. This app ranking will help you narrow down your options by providing descriptions of the top 7 best recipe apps on shopify.

Our top 7 recipes apps for Shopify

Let's dive into our top list

#1 Bloggle: The best Shopify app for Blogging and Recipes

Bloggle isn't merely an app; it's a culmination of five years of deep-rooted experience in running a Shopify agency. Created to fill the void left by Shopify's native limitations, Bloggle seamlessly unites Search Engine Optimization (SEO), design, and performance. In simpler terms, if you're a Shopify merchant with ambitious goals, this tool was crafted with you in mind.

Bloggle Overview

Bloggle Editor

Who is it For?

Solo Founders
Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMB)
Large Corporations


$25 per month—that's the ticket to leverage Bloggle's full suite of features. If you want to turn your blog to another level, you can also subscribe to our premium plan at $49/month


  • Ready to use beautiful recipe template: Like a well-set dining table, waiting for you.
  • Recipe Header component: Makes your recipes as clear as a cookbook.
  • Automatically created SEO recipe schema: Google search will love you.
  • Rich and easy to use drag and drop editor: Complexity, simplified.
  • SEO as-you-type analyzer: Like having an SEO-friendly expert peering over your shoulder.
  • Embed products into your blogs: Why just tell when you can sell?
  • Customize your blog category layout: Navigate and search, but better.


Used by thousands of merchants

App created and thought for Shopify needs

All-in-one solution for your store’s blog posts on Shopify

SEO advice

Save your favorite sections and templates

Use your brand styles


Price can be expensive for beginners and new customers

Not created only for recipes

Try Bloggle - 10 days free

#2 Recipe Kit: A Specialized Tool for Your Shopify Recipe Blogs

Recipe Kit was born a few years ago, the brainchild of a solopreneur. Unlike other jack-of-all-trades solutions, this app narrows its focus to serve a particular need—creating blog recipes on Shopify.

Who is it For?

Solo Founders
Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMB)


The financial commitment ranges from $10.99 to $15 per month.


  • Easy to use editor: User-friendly is the name of the game.
  • All you need to create a complete recipe: No extra fluff.
  • Ability to add links to related products: A sprinkle of e-commerce store magic.
  • Auto-generated SEO schema for recipes: Google-friendly, without the hassle.
  • Embedded images for preparation directions: A picture is worth a thousand words, they say.

Our review

Recipe Kit is the brainchild of a solopreneur and it shows—it's laser-focused on making blog recipes. We observed that it comes with specific options like category, cook time, and number of servings. This is an app that adds tailored recipe cards to your Shopify blog posts. We found it has a somewhat limited but potent set of features, compatible with any Shopify theme.

If you're a small business in the food sector looking to dip your toes in content marketing, Recipe Kit is a solid pick. It's user-friendly, sets up seamlessly, and even throws in some visually appealing recipe card designs at no extra cost.


App dedicated to recipes

Easy to install, good for beginners

Clear and easy templates to work with


No SEO scoring tool or advice

Limited to recipes only

Not a drag and drop editor

IFLWATCHES increased blog traffic by 650%

➡️ See how they did it

#3 BentoSMB Recipes: Tailored for a Small Recipe Catalog, but Comes with Caveats

BentoSMB Recipes carves out its niche by focusing on creating recipe cards for Shopify. Notably, the app offers a generous free plan for your first 5 recipes, along with extensive customer support for any assistance you may need.

Who is it For?

Solo Founders
Developers (who don't have SEO goals)


Free for the first 5 recipes; up to $15 per month thereafter.


  • Nutrition section for recipe cards: For those who like to keep tabs on their calories.
  • Responsive design: Adaptability across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  • Embedded links to your Shopify products: A nifty feature for cross-selling.

Our review

BentoSMB Recipes is specialized for crafting recipe cards on Shopify, and the first five recipes are on the house. We experienced their extensive customer support, which you might need.

We found the setup to be less than beginner-friendly since it requires a lot of manual work. You'll have to manually paste code into each article where you want to add a recipe. It's a bit cumbersome and not super intuitive. Plus, we have some reservations about SEO—since the content is generated via Javascript, its search engine performance is questionable.

Once you get the hang of it, though, the interface is straightforward and the recipes look good visually.


All inputs you need to create a complete recipe

Free plan that is better than other apps


The installation process is not automatic, not easy to understand

No preview for recipes

Need to manually add code to each article you want to customize

Content is generated in JavaScript, not recommended by Google

No SEO scoring tool or advice

Limited to recipes only, not a full blog solution

The app is just AMAZING! Everything I ever wanted for our blog and SEO is here... and their support team is just ANOTHER LEVEL!
Love working on Bloggle! Excellent tool to make your blog very clean, eye-appealing, and 100% SEO oriented. Very intuitive to use.

HOJ - www.hoj.life

➡️ Check out Bloggle

#4 Recipe Stack: A Blend of Innovation and Limitations

Recipe Stack distinguishes itself from the pack with an array of unique features. From launching a dedicated recipe page to transforming your recipes into a mobile app, this Shopify app opens up new avenues for your blogging needs.

Who is it For?

Solo Founders
Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMB)


Ranges from $14 to $99 per month.


  • Recipe grid with filtering options: A dash of organization for your culinary creations.
  • Mobile app: Take your recipes on the go.
  • Widget to display recipes on all your online store pages: Adds a touch of coherence to your online and social media presence.

Our review

Recipe Stack makes a strong first impression with its variety of features, setting it apart from other recipe apps. Notably, it allows you to launch a recipe page where all your creations are displayed. We found it also has the ability to copy and paste widgets to showcase related recipes across different areas of your store—be it the product page, homepage, or even collections. Plus, we could convert our recipes into a mobile app.

However, it's not all rosy. While these features are good to have, the app falls short on some essentials. For instance, we found the number of fields for customizing your recipes is limited, making the app's capabilities closely resemble Shopify's native blog functionality rather than a dedicated recipe app.

If your aim is to launch a mobile app for your recipes, Recipe Stack could be a suitable choice, even though there are other dedicated mobile apps out there.


Easy installation process

Ability to launch a recipe mobile app

Widgets to display recipes across your store


No SEO scoring tool or advice

Limited to recipes only

Less recipe-related fields compared to competitors

Content is pushed to pages, not blogs

Latest reviews mention numerous bugs

LimaLima: From 0 to 22k/month blog traffic using Bloggle

➡️ See how they did it

#5 Shogun :More Than Recipes, Yet Not Quite Enough

Shogun stands as an anomaly in a list dominated by recipe-specific apps. Being the go-to app for a long time, and originally designed to craft customized blog landings for Shopify, it brings a plethora of features to the table—many of which are more suited for general content marketing than recipe blogging.

Who is it For?

Large Companies


Starts at $19 per month, going up to $499 per month (1 free blog post).


  • Drag-and-drop editor: Customization, minus the complexity.
  • Ability to customize all page types: Versatility at its finest.
  • Numerous integrations with major apps: Extends its utility beyond just blogging.
  • Rich library of design sections: A smorgasbord of design elements to choose from.

Our review

Shogun has been around for a while and was once the go-to for customized Shopify blog landing pages, even though it's not a dedicated recipe app. The problem here lies in its original intent; it's designed for landing pages, like those for products, rather than specialized recipe blogs. As a result, we realized it excels in features that are great for marketing landing pages but falls short when it comes to crucial SEO features.

We found that the pricing is on the higher end, making it a viable option only if you're operating a Shopify Advanced or Shopify Plus store and prefer not to depend on a developer for page alterations.


Great customer support

A tool to create more than just blog pages

Lots of integrations with other platforms

App created and thought for Shopify needs

Rich library of design sections to add


Hard to use, too many elements

High price

No automatic SEO scoring tool or advice

Not focused on blogs

Not created specifically for recipes

Amazing customer service! The app has all features needed to run a great blog. Images, videos, SEO, text blocks, etc.

Grand le Mar - grandlemar.com

➡️ Check out Bloggle

#6 Recipe Junction: New but Noteworthy, with Room for Improvement

Recipe Junction is the latest entrant in the Shopify app store. Our initial encounter was marred by dashboard bugs, but once resolved, the app delivered visually striking and well-organized recipes.

Who is it For?

Solo Founders
Small and Medium-sized Businesses (that don't have SEO goals)


The pricing spectrum ranges from $1.99 to $11.99 per month.


  • Recipes editor: A space dedicated to your culinary crafts.
  • Unlimited recipe fields: Include all details, from cooking steps to recipe ingredients.
  • Custom sort: A feature for orderly categorization.
  • Easy to print and search: Designed for practicality.

Our review

Recipe Junction is the newcomer on the block in the Shopify app store. Right off the bat, we hit a snag—bugs prevented us from even opening the dashboard. After a few hours of troubleshooting, the app finally cooperated. Once inside, we were genuinely impressed; the live recipes looked fantastic and the content was well-organized. It's easily the most aesthetically pleasing of all the apps we've tested.

However, it's not all smooth sailing. The app compiles all your recipes on one page, which is a no-go for SEO. Also, the content is drenched in Javascript, making us doubt its SEO friendliness.


Visually appealing and well-structured recipes

Comprehensive options for crafting recipes


Dashboard bugs hindered initial access

Content is JavaScript-loaded, affecting SEO

No feature to integrate product pages into blogs

NUOO: From 5k to 32k/month blog traffic using Bloggle

➡️ See how they did it

#7 Recipe Management by MyAppGurus: A Personal Recipe Catalog with No Shopify Integration

Recipe Management by MyAppGurus is the newest addition to the Shopify app store. It stands out by functioning primarily as a catalog for organizing delicious recipes, planning meals, and even creating shopping lists. However, its disconnect with the Shopify ecosystem is evident—recipes created can't be published on your live store but are only viewable within the app itself.

Who is it For?

Individuals who solely want to create and store recipes


Free to use


  • Admin and user roles: Facilitates differentiated administrative tasks.
  • Ability to create a complete recipe: Fulfills all the essential requirements for recipe crafting.

Our review

MyAppGurus Recipe Management App is new on the Shopify app store and is designed to organize your recipes, plan your meals, and create shopping lists. We tried creating a recipe, however, we found that it is not straightforward. It required our personal information such as phone numbers, emails, and addresses, and even necessitates a Pinterest account—something not everyone has.

After publishing a recipe, we couldn’t view it on our live store; it's only accessible within the app. This makes the app like a catalog for managing recipes in your personal life, and we could not find the link between the app and the Shopify store.


Free to use


No capability to publish a recipe on your live blog or store

Requires personal details like phone number, email, and address for recipe submission

How did we choose these 7 recipe apps?

So, you're probably asking, "Why these seven apps? What makes them so special?" Fair questions. Let’s break down how we arrived at this list:

  • We Tried Them Out: Yep, we actually took the time to install and use each of these apps. We weren't content with skimming through a features list; we wanted to know how these apps hold up in the real world.
  • We Know Shopify: We've been working as a Shopify dev agency long enough to know what works and what doesn't. That experience counts when we're separating the wheat from the chaff.
  • What You Said Mattered: We read the reviews. Not just a couple—lots of them. What you and other users had to say made a big difference in our final assessment.

That's it. No magic formula, just good old-fashioned research, hands-on experience, and listening to folks like you. We believe that's the best way to give you a list you can actually trust.


We've rolled up our sleeves and done the heavy lifting for you—tested apps, compared features, and sifted through user reviews. Now it's your turn. Your business has unique needs, and only you can decide which tool meets them. We've given you the facts; the next move is yours. Choose wisely; your online store's success depends on it.


Can I make custom blogs for my Shopify store?

Yes. There are many blog builder plugins available. Check out this comprehensive list for more details.

Are there any dedicated SEO apps for Shopify?

Yes, there are multiple good SEO apps that can boost your rankings on the SERPs. Here’s the complete list.

  • What are the best apps to create landing pages for my Shopify business?
  • You can go through this in-depth blog to discover some of the best landing page builder apps for Shopify.

    What are the best apps to create landing pages for my Shopify business?

    You can go through this in-depth blog to discover some of the best landing page builder apps for Shopify.

    It’s time to awake your sleeping blog.

    Try Bloggle

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