

Top 11 Shopify SEO Apps in 2024

11 Best Shopify SEO Apps in 2024

"The objective is not to 'make your links appear natural'; the objective is that your links are natural."

It is almost impossible to become a successful Shopify seller without paying attention to SEO. Even if that wasn’t clear to everyone who was getting started as a Shopify store owner, down the road it became obvious very quickly. Shopify, like in many other segments, is not excelling at providing sellers with the tools needed to optimize their blogs and products for search engines. 

Luckily, there are a ton of Shopify SEO apps that will help you in the quest for better rankings. However, finding the best Shopify SEO apps is a completely different game. It is hard to choose the best out of the huge pack of available SEO apps, but we’re here to help.

We have five years of experience working with Shopify enterprise business owners, and during that time we tested out dozens of apps! 

In this list, we will present you the 11 best Shopify SEO apps, and review each of them in detail, so you can decide which of those suits your needs in the best way possible.

Our top 11 SEO apps for Shopify

Let's dive into our top list

#1 Bloggle - The Complete Blog Builder

Bloggle was engineered to overcome Shopify's inherent limitations. Born out of 5 years of running a Shopify agency, Bloggle is the tool we developed to meet the demands consistently requested by our clients.

Bloggle Overview

The Blog Editor and SEO score

Some SEO results

-> View More Results

Who is it For?

SMB, Big companies


$25/month with 14-days free trial. Premium plan with extra features at $49/month.


  • SEO as-you-type analyzer: A real-time scoring system that's easy to use.
  • Drag-and-drop editor: Enhances reader experience and time spent on your blog.
  • Optimized file size and image size: Ensures your blog loads quickly.
  • Product embedding: Allows you to integrate products into your blogs effortlessly.
  • Customizable blog category layout: Control over navigation and search functionalities.


Adopted by thousands of Shopify merchants

Specifically designed for Shopify needs

All-in-one solution for Shopify blog

Features an SEO scoring tool

Excellent customer support


Dedicated solely to blogging

Try Bloggle - 10 days free

#2 Booster SEO & Image Optimizer - Premium SEO App

Booster SEO is a popular Shopify SEO app with over 4k reviews, most of which are from satisfied clients. Designed specifically for Shopify pages, it also functions as a full-suite Shopify SEO tool for websites.

Who is it For?

SMB, Big Companies


Free to $199/month


  • SEO score for all pages: Keep track of SEO performance for each page.
  • Image optimization: Available from the premium plan at $60/month.
  • Automatically fix SEO issues & broken links: Streamline your SEO process.
  • Human services: Included in the $199/month plan.
  • Sitemap generator: Make your site easier for search engines to crawl.

Our review

The Booster SEO app is easy to use and install. It's a complete SEO suite, offering a plethora of features, yet the team has managed to simplify the interface to prevent overwhelm. Feedback is organized by page category—be it product or collection—making it easier to work step by step. The automatic rules are straightforward to set up, although it can be a challenge to understand the changes made directly to the code and how to reverse them. It's worth noting that our theme.liquid file was updated without our consent. The app is on the expensive side; Free and Pro plans at $39/month don't offer a complete feature set. Nevertheless, we consider this the best app currently on the market.


Complete solution

Easy to use automatic tasks

Easy to follow steps for improving SEO grade for each page

Tons of features compared to competitors


Free plan has almost no features

Difficult to understand automatic changes to themes in automatic mode

App updated theme.liquid file without permission, affecting entire website

LimaLima: From 0 to 22k/month blog traffic using Bloggle

➡️ See how they did it

#3 SearchPie - A Haven of Innovation and Unique Features

SearchPie is a relatively new entrant in the SEO application landscape. Despite being on the market for just four years, it has garnered an impressive 3,396 reviews, a testament to its exceptional user experience and groundbreaking features.

Who is it For?

Solobusiness/Beginners, SMB


$39/month to $79/month


  • SEO Reports: Overview of critical optimizations needed.
  • Metadata Updates: Update meta title, meta description, meta tags, alt tags and image alt text automatically or in bulk.
  • Keyword Explorer and Ranking Tracking: Identify and monitor relevant keywords.
  • Backlinks Helper: Aid in building backlinks.
  • 404, Broken Links, and Long URLs Detector: Keep your site clean and functional.
  • Site Speed Optimizer: Enhance your site's page loading speed.

Our review

SearchPie is an easy-to-use app with an array of features, setting it apart as a unique tool for Shopify websites. Several features particularly caught our attention: the ability to identify and track relevant keywords for our online store, build backlinks, and perform bulk and automatic tasks to amp up the SEO. The only downside is the lack of an audit section structured by pages. Without this, you can't get a score per page with content improvement recommendations—a major feature if you're serious about SEO. Incorporating this feature could, in our view, elevate SearchPie to the top spot in the App Store.


Keyword explorer to focus on relevant keywords

Keyword position tracking feature

Backlinks builder

Ability to update SEO in bulk

Full customization on automation templates

The app requests permission before making changes. One-click integration removal

Easy tutorials for each feature

AI generator for descriptions


No score per page, making it complex to identify pages needing updates

Price can be expensive for new store owners

Bloggle really helped us improve the style of our blogs, plus the ability to easily display products is a huge win.
The support is great as well. I'm excited to dig into their SEO optimization tools.

Eight Saints Skincare - eightsaintsskincare.com

➡️ Check out Bloggle

#4 TapitaSEO - The New Contender Destined for Future Impact

TapitaSEO is among the newest additions to the SEO app ecosystem, brought to you by the creators of Tapita page builders. Though the app only launched in March 2023, it has already amassed more than a thousand reviews. This impressive start positions TapitaSEO as a burgeoning challenger in the SEO app market, hinting at promising growth ahead.

Who is it For?

Solobusiness/Beginners, SMB, Big Companies


Free to $29.99 (for 50 audits per month)


  • Page Speed Optimizer: Enhance your website's loading times.
  • Monitor and Fix SEO Errors: Keep tabs on SEO issues and resolve them.
  • Integration with Google Search Console: Seamlessly integrate with Google's suite for better SEO management.

Our review

Installing the Tapita app is a breeze. However, the pricing can be misleading; it appears low in the app store but can escalate if you have a substantial number of pages. The app's user interface is straightforward, and its audit solutions are presented clearly in two ways: a global summary tab and a detailed page-by-page breakdown. This dual approach to auditing is unique to TapitaSEO and makes it an exceptionally comprehensive tool. One drawback, however, is the absence of in-app content updating, which prolongs the issue-fixing process. While Shopify themes are generally optimized, the speed boost feature in TapitaSEO is simple to use and could be a significant asset.


Complete audit, with ability to see issues summarized or page per page

Page speed boost is good

Easy to use and install

Integrated with Google

The app does not add code to themes


Price is higher than expected

No automations for meta titles or descriptions

NUOO: From 5k to 32k/month blog traffic using Bloggle

➡️ See how they did it

#5 Yoast SEO - A Singular Focus, Executed Brilliantly

Yoast SEO, the app version of the renowned WordPress plugin, has finally landed on Shopify. Given that millions of websites have long relied on Yoast, its arrival on this platform is noteworthy.

Who is it For?





  • Scoring & Readability: Provides SEO and readability scores for each web page.
  • Meta Optimization: Allows for the tweaking of meta titles and descriptions.
  • JSON-LD Structured Data: Enhances the way your site communicates with search engines.

Our review

Much like its WordPress counterpart, this Yoast SEO app is straightforward to install and use. Notably, it seeks permission before altering your theme. The app zeroes in on delivering SEO and readability scores for each page of your store, guiding your SEO enhancement efforts. While the feature set may seem narrow, focusing only on scoring, the advice it offers for manual SEO improvement is invaluable. Consequently, Yoast SEO shines when used in conjunction with other apps that address different facets of SEO, such as page or speed optimization, backlinking, and keyword research.


Exceptional scoring algorithm

Readability score provided

Simple to install and use

Seeks consent before making theme alterations. One-click removal available


Features are limited to scoring only

Finally a way to create beautiful blog posts for our Shopify site! I've been having a great experience using Bloggle, and their customer support and Julien have been very reliable, fast, and overall wonderful!

Ayr Barns - AyrBarns.com

➡️ Check out Bloggle

#6 Avada SEO & Image Optimizer - An Ideal Starting Point for Beginners

Avada SEO has carved out a significant presence in the Shopify SEO plugin landscape. With just three years in the market, it has garnered over 5,000 reviews, marking it as a popular choice among Shopify store owners.

Who is it For?

Solobusiness/Beginners, SMB, Big Companies


Free to $34.95/month


  • SEO Summary Dashboard: All your SEO needs summarized on one screen.
  • SEO Scoring: Evaluate the SEO of all your pages.
  • Image Optimization: Improve your image assets for better performance.
  • 404 Page Tracking: Keep tabs on broken links.
  • SEO Academy: A guide to SEO essentials for newcomers.

Our review

We found the Avada SEO app to be easy to install and particularly enjoyed its summarized dashboard that collates all the necessary fixes from various websites. This feature allows for on-page SEO audits categorized by page types. We appreciate the user-friendly design, where all the optimizations to be done are clearly displayed on the right side of the dashboard. This makes the app an excellent choice for those new to SEO. However, it's important to note that, like many other SEO apps, Avada updated our theme.liquid file without prior notification and added 11 extra code files to our setup.


Integration with external tools like Google Search Console

User-friendly interface

Provides an overview of all pending fixes

Particularly good for beginners


Fewer automatic tasks compared to competitors

Updated our theme.liquid file without prior consent, affecting the entire website. Also added 11 extra code files

Flowrette: +1,000% blog traffic at 27k/mo

➡️ See how they did it

#7 Plug In SEO - The Veteran in the Field

Plug In SEO has been a cornerstone in the Shopify app ecosystem since 2011, specializing in SEO audits and automatic meta improvements. With 2,561 reviews and a 4.7/5 rating, its long-standing reputation offers a sense of reliability.

Who is it For?



Free (limited to 20 pages) to $79.99/month


  • Audits: Identifies and provides solutions for SEO issues.
  • SEO Templating: Assists in improving your ranking.
  • JSON-LD and Broken Links Analysis: Enhances structured data and identifies faulty links.
  • Speed Reports: Monitors website speed.
  • Title & Description Optimizer: Streamlines meta titles and descriptions.

Our review

We found the installation process to be straightforward, although the app does request permission to add certain elements that should be obtained automatically, like the domain. The interface is uncluttered, making it easy to navigate. The issues section is also clear but lacks URL-based categorization—you won't get a report per page, just a row for each issue. This means you'll need to return to your Shopify store to implement any suggested changes.The automatic updates for meta titles and descriptions are well-executed, allowing for complete control over these automations. Like some other apps we've tested, Plug In SEO is particularly useful for beginners who may not require a plethora of features but are keen on making incremental adjustments to their SEO.


Interesting automations for title and description

Requests permission before making changes to your store; easy to remove integration

Features easy schema markup


No scoring system for main content or descriptions

No integration with Google Search Console

Not fully integrated with Shopify; manual backoffice changes required

I would recommend Bloggle - I enjoy the blog creation.
They give you really easy blocks to work with so that you can create some really attractive looking blog posts. In addition to that, their customer support is super responsive and helpful. They seek to resolve concerns quickly. I will be continuing my subscription with them.

Snore Less Now - snorelessnow.com

➡️ Check out Bloggle

#8 StoreSEO - The New Entrant

StoreSEO is an SEO booster app that helps to increase traffic by optimizing in-page SEO for your Shopify site. At the time of review, it only had about 30 reviews on the Shopify store, so it’s a fairly recent addition.

Who is it For?

Solobusiness/Beginners, SMB


Free to $39.99/month


  • Scoring: Provides scores for product pages, other pages, and blogs.
  • Integration with Google Tools: Streamlines the SEO process by incorporating Google's suite of tools.
  • Customized Sitemaps: Allows you to submit personalized HTML sitemaps.
  • JSON-LD Structured Data: Helps organize and present your data in a structured format.

Our review

We found StoreSEO straightforward to use and set up. The scoring algorithm stands out, and its user-friendly interface makes the experience enjoyable. Like many other apps we've tested, StoreSEO concentrates mainly on content, while overlooking other significant SEO features like speed optimization, image improvements, or intricate automations.

While the absence of scoring for collection pages is a letdown (something we hope they'll add in future updates), the app serves as a solid starting point for beginners. But there are other apps in the market with a larger feature set for the same price point, so you should definitely check those out.


Easy to use app

Great score algorithm 

Analytics dashboard

Great value for money in terms of quality

It does not add code to themes


No score for collection pages

No speed or images optimization

Automations are limited

IFLWATCHES increased blog traffic by 650%

➡️ See how they did it

#9 Smart SEO - The Challenger with a Backlinks Edge

Smart SEO has been challenging the status quo in the SEO landscape since its inception in 2015. With over a thousand reviews, it's clear that this tool has found its audience among many Shopify merchants.

Who is it For?



Free to $29.99/month


  • Image Optimization: Enhances your store's visuals.
  • Page Speed: Keeps your site running smoothly.
  • JSON-LD Structured Data: Organizes your data efficiently.
  • Broken Links Monitor: Keeps an eye out for any broken connections.
  • Meta Scoring Tool: Evaluates your meta titles and descriptions.

Our review

We found Smart SEO to be a straightforward and user-friendly tool, ideal for those who are either just starting with their SEO strategy or wish to concentrate on specific SEO elements like broken links, page speed, or image optimization.

However, we also noticed it comes up short in the features department when compared to other SEO apps. While this might be a concern for some, it does offer the foundational features crucial for your Shopify SEO. What's disappointing are the gaps: no scoring for main content, a limited number of SEO elements considered, and the glaring absence of integration with Google's search tools.

On the brighter side, the app does seek permission before making any changes to your store, and its un-installation is a one-click affair.


Asks for permission before making changes. One-click removal.

Analyzes backlinks

Easy to install and use


No automation features

No scoring for main content (descriptions)

No integration with Google Search Console

Maybe too simplistic, lacking vital features and SEO checks

The app is amazing! Love how it guides you through maximizing blogs for SEO. I had to reach out to customer support for an issue and not only did they respond very quickly; they solved my issue on the first contact. Really pleased with them!

Lumber Shack - www.thelumbershack.com

➡️ Check out Bloggle

#10 SEO King - A Feature-Rich Enigma

Since its launch in 2017, SEO King has been a feature-packed contender in the Shopify SEO landscape. With over a thousand reviews to date, it's clear that the app aims to provide everything you could possibly need to boost your SEO game.

Who is it For?

SEO experts in search of an arsenal of features


Free to $14.99/month


  • Automated Testing: Multiple criteria automatically checked
  • Image Management: Compress and resize with a single click
  • JSON-LD Optimization: Enhances your SEO analysis
  • Content Automation: Auto-generates and translates material
  • Robust Automations: Quick SEO improvement at your fingertips

Our review

We were initially enticed by the plethora of features that SEO King offers, many of which are not available with competing solutions. However, what became increasingly evident was the app's poorly designed user experience. The features seem to have been stacked haphazardly, one on top of the other, without a cohesive navigation strategy.

The low price tag could have made it a valuable asset for beginners, but we found the app too convoluted for such an audience. A redeeming quality is that it doesn't seem to tamper with the store's theme files, a rarity among apps of this kind.


An extensive array of features

AI-driven functionalities

Multi-language support

Doesn't modify theme files

Google Analytics integration


User experience needs an overhaul; difficult to navigate

Installation can be cumbersome with multiple steps involved

Automatic updates enabled by default; proceed with caution

Experienced crashes during our test

#11 Tiny: SEO Image Optimizer - The Speed Specialist

TinyIMG has been on the Shopify app store for four years, honing its focus on improving page speed via theme and image optimizations. During its tenure, it has assisted thousands of merchants and garnered 1,627 reviews.

Who is it For?

Solobusiness/Beginners, SMBs, and Big Companies


Free to $19.99/month


  • Image Sizing: Optimize your blog images and product images efficiently
  • Speed Boost: Elevate your store's loading time by using preload
  • SEO Essentials: Detect broken links and utilize Google's JSON-LD

Our review

We found TinyIMG refreshingly easy to use and install. What caught our attention was the extensive array of options available for image compression, making it a go-to choice for that specific need. However, let's be clear: this is not a comprehensive SEO app. It's more like a scalpel in a surgeon's toolkit; extremely useful, but it can't do the job alone. For a full SEO overhaul, you'd need to pair it with another app that specializes in content optimization.


Exceptional image optimization features

Effective in boosting store speed


Primarily focuses on speed, not a comprehensive SEO solution

Great app with reliable, fast support.
We’ve been using Bloggle since January 2023. Importing previous blogs, and writing new ones, straight out of the box. It was so easy to onboard and is a breeze to use. The block-layout blog panel is very good, user-friendly, easy to navigate and truly speeds up everything, while the accompanying SEO scoring is very helpful.

Dir Direct - www.dirdirect.com

➡️ Check out Bloggle

How did we choose these 11 Shopify SEO apps?

  • We Know Shopify: We've been working as a Shopify dev agency long enough to know what works and what doesn't. That experience counts when we're separating the wheat from the chaff.
  • What You Said Mattered: We read the reviews. Not just a couple—lots of them. What you and other users had to say made a big difference in our final assessment.
  • We Tried Them Out: Yep, we actually took the time to install and use each of these apps. We weren't happy with just going through a features list; we wanted to know how these apps perform in the real world.

That's it. No magic formula, just good old-fashioned first-hand research, hands-on experience, and reading public opinion. We believe that's the best way to give you a list you can actually trust.

Is Shopify good for SEO?

We already mentioned that Shopify has lots of limitations when it comes to SEO, but that doesn’t mean the platform is completely SEO-unfriendly. There are several basic SEO standards that are implemented at Shopify:

  • Built-in SEO Features: Shopify comes with several built-in SEO features like customizable headlines, titles, and meta tags. It also supports sitemaps, which help search engines index your site efficiently.
  • Mobile Optimization: Shopify themes are mobile responsive, which is crucial since Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in its search rankings.
  • SSL Certificates & Secure Hosting: Shopify provides SSL certificates and secure hosting, improving site credibility and favoring Google’s ranking algorithm.
  • Site Speed: Shopify uses optimized server infrastructure and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to ensure fast loading times, which is a significant factor in SEO.

However, when it comes to advanced SEO strategies, such as keyword analysis, schema markup and efficient management of redirects, Shopify lacks quality options.

That’s why we strongly recommend getting one of the best Shopify SEO apps we covered in this review.

We also have a complete Shopify SEO checklist that you should check out!

How did we choose these SEO apps?

We chose the best SEO apps for Shopify by constantly testing and working with them in a quest to further improve the rankings of our Shopify clients. 

As we already stated, our agency was working with Shopify's top sellers for five years before we started Bloggle. Therefore, we are confident that thousands of hours invested in everything related to Shopify makes us experts in this field. 

You can rest assured that our rankings and reviews of the best Shopify SEO apps is genuine and complete. It just comes to choosing the right SEO app that suits your Shopify store the best.

What makes a Shopify SEO app good?

A good Shopify SEO app should enhance your ability to optimize your website beyond the built-in features provided by Shopify. 

When evaluating a Shopify SEO app, consider several key features and functionalities that make it effective.

Comprehensive SEO audits 

The app should be able to perform detailed SEO audits of your store. This involves checking for SEO issues such as missing titles, meta descriptions, image alt texts, broken links, and duplicate content. 

An effective SEO app will not only identify these issues but also provide recommendations to fix them.

Keyword research and optimization

A good SEO app should offer tools for keyword research, allowing you to discover and target keywords that are relevant to your products and niche. 

It should help you integrate these keywords effectively in your titles, descriptions, and other content to improve your store’s visibility in search engine results.

Automation features

Look for apps that automate routine SEO tasks. For example, some apps can automatically optimize image file sizes, apply alt tags to images based on product titles, or automatically set meta tags based on templates. 

Automation can save time and ensure consistency across large inventories.

User experience (UX) optimization

Since user experience is a critical part of SEO, the app should offer features to improve the load times and responsiveness of your store

This could include optimizing images for faster loading and suggesting improvements for mobile optimization.

Content analysis and optimization

The ability to analyze and optimize the content of your pages is vital. The app should help you optimize content for readability, and keyword density, and provide suggestions for enhancing the overall content strategy, such as through blog posts or enhanced product descriptions.

Structured data (Schema markup)

A good Shopify SEO app should help you implement schema markup easily. This markup helps search engines understand the content of your store better, potentially boosting how your products appear in search results.

Link and redirect management

The app should offer tools to manage internal and external links efficiently, including the ability to fix broken links and manage 301 redirects. 

This is crucial for maintaining link equity and proper redirection, especially when you delete products or collections.

Tracking and reporting

Best SEO apps for Shopify should integrate with tools like Google Analytics and provide reporting capabilities to track the performance of your SEO efforts. 

Good apps will show you how changes affect your search rankings, traffic, and other relevant metrics.

Regular updates and support

SEO is always evolving, so it’s crucial that any SEO app you use is regularly updated to comply with the latest search engine algorithms and best practices. 

Good customer support is also important for helping you resolve any issues that might arise.

Reviews and ratings

Check user reviews and ratings of the app to see how other store owners have benefited from using it. Positive feedback, especially regarding tangible SEO improvements and customer service, can be a good indicator of an app’s effectiveness.


Are there dedicated blog builders for Shopify?

Yes, there are. In fact, we have curated an entire list here

Can I use an app to create recipe blogs on Shopify?

Yes you can, we also have an article on the best shopify recipe apps that you can check out.

What are some of the limitations of Shopify's native SEO feature?

It does not provide many SEO suggestions. Also, you cannot change blog URL structures using Shopify's built-in features.

To sum things up

We compiled this list of the best Shopify SEO apps by testing and using them in our daily work with our Shopify clients. You can be certain that all of them are excellent apps that you can use as a Shopify merchant.

However, following advice on strong and weak points about each of them is crucial to find the right SEO app that suits your needs the best. 

Depending on your scope of work and how big your Shopify store is, your needs will change, and that’s the most important thing to keep in mind before choosing the best SEO app for Shopify.

It’s time to awake your sleeping blog.

Try Bloggle

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