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Julien Mamalian

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle.

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Shopify Titles & Meta Descriptions (Dos & Don'ts + Examples)

Published on Mar 14, 2024


Updated on Jul 02, 2024

We all know that first impressions are very important. When you first meet someone, you will inevitably make an evaluation of that person and know whether you like them or not at first glance.

The same goes for online spaces — if you stumble upon a website, it has only a few seconds to capture your attention, and that’s why titles are crucial. Shopify is no exception.

You must pay special attention when crafting your Shopify title and meta description.

In this article, we will guide you through the best practices for optimizing your Shopify titles and meta descriptions.

Why trust us

  • We're the creators of Bloggle, a dynamic Shopify blog builder available on the Shopify App Store that fills the gaps in native Shopify blogging capabilities.
  • We're a global force: 2000+ merchants across 60 countries have trusted us to amplify their voices.
  • Your peers adore us: We have a stellar 4.9/5 rating on the app store.
  • We've already empowered 55,000+ blogs written using our versatile app.
  • Under our guidance, users have reported up to a 10x boost in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) traffic and revenue.

Why Are Meta Titles Important? (Grabbing Attention)

If you manage to capture the attention of your website visitors just right, they will stick around, lowering your bounce rate. That’s a great signal to search engines that your website is helpful for users visiting it.

It will increase the rankings, and ultimately, your revenue. Shopify homepage meta description is important for the same reason — it is the best way to convince your visitors they came to the right place. Here are several more reasons why Shopify meta title is crucial for your success:

  • Improved Click-Through Rate (CTR): Crafting your meta title with SEO standards in mind can greatly enhance your CTR and bring more organic traffic to the website, consequently increasing the revenue.
  • Clear Communication: Descriptive and clean meta titles are effective at communicating the topic to the audience, enhancing the presumed value of your blog post. It will increase the chance of making the visitor stick around and read what you have to say.
  • Social Sharing: Engaging meta titles are more likely to be shared on social media. That will expand your reach and drive additional traffic and potential customers to the shop.
  • Easily Measurable Performance: Meta titles are one of the easiest trackable metrics in SEO. By optimizing them, you can see how effective your SEO strategy is, allowing you to make changes where needed and copy the strategy that works for you.

How to Add Meta Titles on Your Shopify Blog Step-by-Step Guide 

Adding meta titles to your Shopify blog is rather simple, but you have any issues doing that, you can check our guide below:

1) Go to Shopify Dashboard, then Online Store, and Blog Posts:

2) Select the blog post you want to add or edit the meta title for:

3) Scroll until you see the Search engine listing preview section and click on Edit website SEO:

4) In the Page title field, add or edit the meta title of your blog and hit the Save button when you finish:


How to Add Meta Titles on Your Shopify Blog with Bloggle Step-by-Step Guide

Bloggle is way more user-friendly than a basic Shopify blog. With our app, you have faster, more intuitive options available. Here is how adding or editing Shopify meta titles in Bloggle works:

1) Go to your Bloggle dashboard and click on the blog you want to add/edit the Shopify meta title for:

2) Now go to the SEO tab and SEO title of the article field and enter your preferred Shopify meta title:

3) After that, you just need to press the Publish button, and you are good to go!

As you can see, things are much simpler with Bloggle!

Expert Bloggle Tip

We recommend that the length of your Shopify meta title should be 70 characters. Also, you should put your primary target keyword in the meta title.

How to Craft an Amazing Shopify Meta Title

We showed you how to use Bloggle to write your meta titles, but coming up with the best idea and using it to attract more audience is a different story.

The guidelines for crafting great titles and headlines for Shopify are not much different from the SEO guidelines for writing headlines on any other website. Here are the most important ones:

  • Incorporate Keywords and Be Descriptive: In those 50-60 characters you must capture the reader’s attention, but also put the right keywords in, to get the most out of the organic Google search.
  • Highlight Unique Selling Points (USPs): Show the benefits you are offering to differentiate your product or service from the competitors and attract customers. We will show you a few examples of USPs in the table below.
  • Match User Intent: This is one of the crucial steps that will only increase in importance as time goes on. You should always try to craft meta titles that align with the search intent of your target audience. In this case, it should be transactional, but it can also be informational or navigational.
  • Be Clear and Concise: This is no place for keyword-stuffing, nor overcomplicating things. Use simple keywords, send clear messages, and that clarity will resonate with your visitors.
  • Alignment with Page Content: Make sure your meta title is a true reflection of what’s on your page. Misleading titles might get clicks, but they’ll also get quick exits – and that’s bad news for your SEO. Being genuine and accurate builds trust with your visitors and keeps search engines happy.

Shopify Title Tag Examples and Why They (Don’t) Work 

In the table below, you can see some of the examples of meta titles. We showcased both good and bad examples, in order to describe the best guidelines for you.


Effective Meta Title Example

Ineffective Meta Title Example

Topic: Gym wear comparison

Industry: Fitness Apparel

"High-Performance Gym Wear: Comfort Meets Style"
✅ Incorporates popular keywords ("gym wear", "high-performance") for better visibility.

“Men’s Short-Sleeved Road Cycling Summer Jersey Racer…”
❌ Too long; gets cut short by Google. Feels generic and lacks convincing appeal.

Topic: Food product comparison

Industry: Organic Food

Fresh Organic Produce: Locally Sourced & Healthy"

✅ It’s straightforward and concise. Conveys the essence of the page.

“G Fuel Energy Formula | Tropical Rain | 3 Single Serving Packs”

❌ You should avoid putting your brand name at the front like this. It doesn’t answer search intent properly, and the whole title is not descriptive enough.

Topic: Gadget Comparison

Industry: Technology

"Latest Tech Gadgets: Smart Solutions for Your Home"

✅ It is within the character limit (55-70), yet it describes the page well.

“Smartwatches | Buy Smartwatches at Best Price”

❌ This might have worked a decade ago, but not any longer. It’s not specific enough, nor answers the search query.

Topic: Home decor item comparison

Industry: Furniture and design

"Elegant Home Decor: Transform Your Living Space"

✅ The title aligns with user search intent and expectations. Good SEO practice increases dwell time.

“Get the Amazing Home Décor Items for Cheap at Home Decor ...”

❌ Wasted space and didn’t say anything, Google cut the title short. Copy is outdated and unconvincing.

Topic: Accessories comparison

Industry: Fashion

”Titanium Sunglasses With Bottle Opener by William Painter”

✅ This captures our attention because we want to see how sunglasses with a bottle opener look like. Also, everything else is optimized properly.

“Buy Modern Bracelets and Necklaces for the Best Price in …”

❌ Again, very common mistake, the title is cut short. As you can see, every time when the title is not specific enough it fails to convey a short and direct message to potential customers.

Shopify Meta Description - Its Importance for Shopify and How to Craft It

Shopify meta description is a display window of your store in the online world. The easiest way to utilize it and write effective meta descriptions is to think about it in those terms.

What would make you enter a physical store as you’re walking around a mall with an idea of what you want to buy? The same principle works for the digital space.

Meta descriptions are brief summaries that you can see under the title in search engine results page (SERPs). You have 150 to 160 characters (including the spaces) to convince your potential visitor to click on the link and visit the store.

One of the common misconceptions about meta descriptions is thinking they are boosting your rankings in search engine directly. They don’t do that.

However, like the window display in the above example, they do grab a potential customer’s interest. Here are some other things that showcase their importance:

  • Answering Search Intent: Although Shopify meta description is not important for directly boosting your Google rankings, it is very important when it comes to search intent. It is not easy to answer search intent fully only with the title. You have only 55–60 characters to grab attention. However, if the potential visitor is not sure whether they should click on your website link, the meta description should be utilized to explain and describe the title further, and convince the user to click.
  • Opportunity for CTA: Since you are running a Shopify store, you can even use meta descriptions to utilize CTA (Call-to-Action). For example, it can be “Learn More” or “Shop Now”, or similar strong keywords that should convince the visitor to continue the interaction with your store.
  • Competitive Advantage: Well crafted and unique meta descriptions can make a huge difference in SERPs compared to your competitors and bring you more clicks than they have. Therefore, you shouldn’t take them lightly, and always try to make the best possible Shopify meta description for each product. It will pay off!
  • Reflecting the Brand’s Voice: In these 160 characters, you have just enough to showcase your talents and craft the true brand voice that your customers will recognize. The most important thing is the tone — if your brand is quirky and fun, stay true to it in meta descriptions, while if your brand is professional and regarded as high-class, you must sound classy. Mixed messages are never good, and they will result in losing customers.

How to Add or Edit Shopify Meta Description on Your Blog Step-by-Step Guide

Adding meta descriptions to your Shopify blog is very similar to adding titles. You can see how this straightforward process works in steps we outline below.

1) From your Shopify Dashboard, go to Online Store and then to Blog posts:

2) Select the blog post you want to add or edit the meta for:

3) Scroll down to the Search engine listing preview section and click on Edit website SEO:

4) In the Description field, you can add or edit the meta description:

5) When you finish up, just click the Save button.

How to Add or Edit Shopify Meta Description on Bloggle Step-by-Step Guide 

Using Bloggle will save you time and simplify the process of adding and editing meta descriptions, especially when it comes to Shopify home page meta description. You can see the whole process in the pictures below:

1) Go to your Bloggle dashboard and click on the blog you want to add or edit the meta description for:

2) Jump to the SEO tab and in the SEO description of the article field, enter your desired meta description:

3) Hit the button Publish on Shopify and you are done!

Expert Bloggle Tip

Bloggle recommends the length of Shopify meta description be 160 characters. It will give you enough room to describe your products in the right way, and answer the search intent of your potential customers properly.

Shopify Meta Description Examples and Why They (Don’t) Work


Effective Meta Description Example

Ineffective Meta Description Example

Topic: Gym wear comparison

Industry: Fitness

"Elevate your fitness journey with our top-tier gym equipment. Whether for home or professional use, find durable and ergonomic solutions to meet all your workout needs."

✅ This is way more descriptive and better. It gives much more information to the potential customer, and they can feel inspired by imagining the success route they will have by using that fitness equipment.

"Buy fitness equipment for home and gym use."

❌ It is all about the transaction. Not inspiring for the reader, they are not motivated to click or buy.

Topic: Sewing items comparison

Industry: DIY

"Get all you need to sew your next garment. Open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm, located in the Upper East District."

✅ This meta description fits search intent better and gives specific details to the customer – when and how they can buy those products. This is especially important for Local SEO.

"Sewing supplies, yarn, colored pencils, sewing machines, threads, bobbins, needles"

❌ Keyword stuffing doesn’t work anymore. This description just mentions those keywords without any real context.

Topic: Eco-friendly clothing comparison

Industry: Fashion and clothing

"Step into sustainable style with our eco-friendly clothing range. Dress in harmony with nature without compromising on fashion."

✅ Good job here - this description does excite most of the environmentally friendly buyers to act and become loyal customers of this shop.

"Eco-friendly clothing available. Browse our sustainable products."

❌ This is not too bad, but still doesn’t excite the environmentally aware buyer to act.

Topic: Pencil description comparison

Industry: Accessories

"Self-sharpening mechanical pencil that autocorrects your penmanship in real time. Includes 2B auto-replenishing lead. Available in both Steel Gray and Sunset Yellow. Order 50+ pencils, get free shipping."

✅ What we see here is very specific and descriptive, and it gives a practical incentive of free shipping, which can be a selling point for this pencil.

“Mechanical pencil”

❌This is obviously too short and not specific enough. Additionally, it doesn’t answer search intent.

Topic: Pet food comparison

Industry: Pet Shop

“Most quality pet food in Midwest! Dog food, cat food, bird food, and everything else you can imagine at a reasonable price.”

✅ Descriptive, convincing and answers search intent much better.

“Buy Pet Food in Pet Central”

❌Not specific enough. It answers search intent, but it is also not convincing enough for the potential customer to buy pet food here.


Our quest for the perfect Shopify title and meta description has come to an end! We hope that this guide has answered all your questions and helped you become way more efficient when writing your titles and meta descriptions.

What is the optimal length for a Shopify meta title and description?

Shopify meta title should be between 50 and 60 characters long, while Shopify meta descriptions should be between 150 and 160 characters long.

How often should I update my meta titles and descriptions?

You should update your meta titles and descriptions at least once a year, but it is recommended to do it more often.

Can the same meta title and description be used for multiple pages?

Technically, they can be the same by your own will, or because of some error, but you should keep titles and descriptions unique for the particular product. Everything else is confusing both for potential customers and for Google.

Should I include the brand name in the meta title?

Only if there is a search volume for your brand regarding the particular product. Otherwise, you shouldn’t do it.

Julien Mamalian

CEO, Bloggle

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle. Our mission? To assist merchants worldwide in crafting compelling articles that rank high in SEO and truly engage their audience. In just 3 years, over 2,000 clients have trusted us, publishing more than 55,000 articles through Bloggle. Thanks to them, I’ve learned the keys to success and the pitfalls to avoid

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