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Tidio ‑ Live Chat & Chatbots


Live Chat boosted with Chatbots, Messenger, and Instagram

4.8 of 5 ⭐️

Tidio allows you to get all your live chat, e-mail, and Messenger communication in one panel, which saves you time. You can also enable Bots to reclaim abandoned carts and increase sales, reacting to your customers’ behaviour automatically. Setting up Tidio in your Shopify store takes less than 30 seconds. Just click “Add app,” allow the widget to install on the site, and you’re done!


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Boost your Shopify Blog SEO & Conversion

If you're tired of wasting time and money on creating boring articles using the native Shopify blog feature, then try Bloggle. Our successful merchants have already made the switch and are reaping the benefits.

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