

App Reviews


Trustpilot App Review 2024: Is This Customer Reviews Tool 5-Star?

Published on Nov 06, 2023

Trustpilot - Manage customer reviews to engage and build trust with customers

What is TrustPilot Shopify?

Core Value Proposition

TrustPilot, the Shopify app, as the digital megaphone for your customers’ voices. But it’s not just about volume—it’s about hitting the right notes with potential buyers. This app’s main job is collecting, showcasing, and leveraging real customer reviews to boost your brand's credibility and transparency. It ensures that when new customers are on the fence, they see all the great things past customers have said about you.

What Primary Purpose it Serves

In the vast world of online retail, TrustPilot Shopify stands out as a beacon, guiding potential customers your way on the Shopify store. The app’s main mission? To amplify your online presence using the power of customer feedback and product reviews. It turns browsing into buying, converting those on-the-fence customers into happy buyers. And with features like Google Seller Ratings and TrustBox Widgets, it’s not just about gathering reviews—it’s about turning them into conversion-driving tools. So, in essence, TrustPilot Shopify is your secret weapon in the e-commerce game, transforming customer reviews into valuable assets for your brand.

Who's it for? Who is it NOT for?

Target Audience

Let’s say you're running an e-commerce business. It’s already making strides. If you’re looking to up your game in the customer reviews department, TrustPilot Shopify is your go-to. It's made for businesses that want to increase their online presence through reliable customer reviews. This Shopify app is for anyone who wants to make their customer reviews top notch, be it a small business with a few customers looking for a template to attract customers or a giant who is looking to cement their reputation.

In short, if you're in any business of selling stuff and care about what your customers think, TrustPilot for Shopify should be on your radar.

Who is it NOT for?

TrustPilot Shopify isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for your ecommerce platform. If you are a beginner trying to balance revenue with costs or if you doing Shopify as a hobby, the pricing might make you gulp. Yeah, the cheapest plan starts at $250 a month, and let's be honest, that's no pocket change. While Trustpilot offers an array of features that will help your brand’s online visibility, it's not necessarily the most budget-friendly option for startups or small businesses on a shoestring budget.

Another group that might want to steer clear? Businesses looking for a laid-back, set-it-and-forget-it, autopilot kind of tool. TrustPilot demands a bit of your attention—setting up review widgets, analyzing feedback through its dashboard, and so on. If you're not willing to invest the time, you may not fully reap the benefits, which would make you a bad fit for its use-case.


  • Transparency: Automatic screening to weed out fraudulent reviews. We also show how reviews are collected and managed — so both you and your customers can trust the integrity of your reviews.
  • Google Seller Ratings: As an official Google Review Partner, verified Trustpilot reviews count toward your Google Seller Rating. This results in stars being displayed on your ads, catching attention and driving CTRs

  • TrustBox Widgets: Showcase customer reviews on your website, HTML signatures, email newsletters, and other customer touchpoints to increase revenue and conversions.


Trustpilot offers a 4-tiered pricing: 

  1. STANDARD ($250/domain/month)

For smaller businesses ready to expand their brand reach and online presence

  • 500 verified review invitations per month
  • 500 additional invitations for past customers in each of your first three months
  • 8 website widgets to display your star rating and review count
  • An ad-free profile page
  • Image and video generators
  • Social sharing
  • Analytics dashboards to learn more from your feedback
  • Third-party eCommerce, helpdesk, and marketing integrations

  1. GROWTH ($600/domain/month)

For growing businesses looking to convert more customers with review content

Everything in Standard plus:

  • 750 verified review invitations per month
  • 750 additional invitations for past customers in each of your first three months
  • Personalize your profile, invitations and more with your own branding
  • Access our full 22-widget library to showcase review content on your website and emails
  • Targeted TrustBox widgets displaying relevant reviews by tag
  • Advanced review analysis with tag and keyword filters

  1. SCALE ($900/domain/month)

For scaling businesses who want to maximize their performance with a high volume of reviews

Everything in Growth plus:

  • Access to everything in Growth
  • Unlimited verified review invitations
  • Invite unlimited past customers to leave reviews in your first three months
  • Collect more reviews to showcase throughout your buyer's journey and drive conversions
  • Build a customer-centric business with even more insights and analytics from your feedback, increasing loyalty and repeat sales

  1. ENTERPRISE (Custom)

For scaling businesses who want to maximize their performance with a high volume of reviews

Everything in Scale plus:

  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager


4.8 / 5 (App Store) 

What do real users have to say about it?

Pros & Cons


Automatic review invitations at key engagement points across the customer lifecycle

Integrations with Zendesk, Freshdesk, Slack, Hootsuite, etc to manage and respond to reviews

Reminder emails - Collect an additional 35% more reviews on average by sending these gentle, friendly nudges

Quickly turn your reviews into beautiful images shareable on social media,at the push of a button


No option to always engage with customers who leave bad reviews

Cancelling a subscription involves a lot of hassle

Some users complained about reviews being taken down without any reason

Our Review of TrustPilot Shopify

After numerous weeks of rigorous testing, we've got a lot to say about TrustPilot Shopify. We'll delve into the specifics, sparing no detail, because you should know exactly what you're investing in.

User Interface and Experience: Where Simplicity Meets Functionality

When we first logged into TrustPilot Shopify, we noticed the utilitarian design. No frills, no confusing elements, just a straightforward dashboard that shows you exactly what you need to see. However, we think there's room for an introductory tutorial or a set of tooltips. We navigated through it easily enough, but for someone new to this kind of software, a little guidance wouldn't go amiss.

Features: The Good and The Missing

TrustPilot Shopify isn't short on features, but it's not an all-you-can-eat buffet either. The Google Seller Ratings and TrustBox Widgets are particularly useful for converting those borderline customers. They give you a chance to turn reviews into sales, effectively. But it's not all good news; the lack of SMS-based review invitations is a significant oversight. Many people ignore emails but will check a text message, and it feels like TrustPilot missed a trick here.

Pricing: Transparency is There, Affordability is Relative

We can't fault TrustPilot Shopify for a lack of pricing transparency. Everything is laid out clear as day, but the starting price of $250 per month and absence of a free plan could be a stumbling block for small businesses or freelancers. If you're a larger operation, the cost might be a non-issue, especially when you consider the features you're getting. But for smaller outfits, this could be a deal-breaker.

Customer Support Team: Fast but Not Forward-Thinking

We had several interactions with customer support and generally found them responsive and knowledgeable. But what they didn't do was offer suggestions for how to use the platform more effectively. They resolved our issues but didn't go the extra mile to prevent future problems. It felt a bit like treating the symptom but ignoring the disease.

TrustPilot Integrations: No Hiccups, Just Smooth Sailing

One of the aspects we thoroughly appreciated was how well TrustPilot Shopify plays with other tools like Zendesk and Freshdesk. This kind of compatibility is a lifesaver when you're juggling multiple platforms, and you don't want to upend your existing systems for one new tool.

Concerns: A Few Red Flags

We weren't thrilled with the cancellation process. It was more convoluted than it needed to be, and we can see how this could be a turn-off for potential customers. Moreover, the issue of reviews being removed without clear reasons is a transparency problem that needs addressing. It raises questions about how TrustPilot Shopify handles review integrity, which is the core of what this app is about.

Final Thoughts

So, here's the summary after spending quality time with TrustPilot Shopify. If you're beyond just casually experimenting with your online store and ready for a serious review management tool, TrustPilot Shopify is worthy of your attention. It's stacked with features that can give your brand a notable online boost.

However, it's not for everyone - especially someone on a tight budget. If you're a startup or a small business, the pricing can hit you hard. Customer support does the job, but don't expect them to go the extra mile with proactive tips. And, yeah, they missed a beat by not having SMS review invitations.

Bottom line? TrustPilot Shopify is a robust tool that's got some gaps. If those gaps don't concern you, it's a go. We've sifted through every aspect of this app to give you a clear picture. You're now armed with all you need to make a confident and informed decision about it.


Is there a Shopify tutorial to embed Trustpilot API for a product page into the website for a beginner?

Yes, you can visit this page for more details.

How do I resolve a follow up question about the Trustpilot plugin for email marketing on my Shopify account?

You can visit their help centre here.

Julien Mamalian

CEO, Bloggle

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle. Our mission? To assist merchants worldwide in crafting compelling articles that rank high in SEO and truly engage their audience. In just 3 years, over 2,000 clients have trusted us, publishing more than 55,000 articles through Bloggle. Thanks to them, I’ve learned the keys to success and the pitfalls to avoid

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Julien Mamalian

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle.

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