

App Reviews


Recharge App Review 2024: Is This Subscription Management Software Helpful?

Published on Nov 15, 2023

Recharge - Create, manage, and scale subscriptions for your Shopify store

What is Recharge?

Recharge (www.rechargepayments.com) is a specialized subscription app for Shopify store owners who are ready to establish or enhance their subscription service offerings. This application serves as a bridge between your products and customers, ensuring that those who wish to receive regular deliveries of your goods can do so with minimal disruption to their daily lives—and to your business operations.

Core Value Proposition

The central benefit of Recharge Subscriptions lies in its ability to demystify the subscription process. For store owners, the Recharge platform provides a comprehensive suite of features that manage the intricacies of functionalities like recurring billing, subscriber management, and retention strategies. Its direct integration with Shopify means that the learning curve is minimal and the transition for existing operations is practically seamless. Business owners can expect to encounter a user-friendly interface that simplifies the introduction of subscription services into their business model.

Primary Purpose

Recharge's main purpose is to offload the administrative burden of running a subscription service from the shoulders of business owners. It does this by automating the subscription cycle—starting from the moment a customer opts in, right through to the regular billing and delivery of products. It's a system designed to keep everything running smoothly in the background, allowing business owners to focus their energy on what matters most: developing their product and nurturing customer relationships.

In more concrete terms, Recharge handles the recurring transactions, keeping track of billing cycles, and customer preferences. This includes addressing changes in subscription plans, pauses requested by customers, or any adjustments needed over the lifecycle of a customer's subscription. The intention is to provide a consistent and reliable service that supports business growth through a foundation of regular, committed revenue.

Target Audience

The Recharge app for Shopify is a real boon for businesses that have embraced the subscription model. If you're running a store on Shopify and you're looking to offer your products on a recurring basis, this app's tailor-made for you. It's especially handy for stores with a robust customer base eager to sign up for regular deliveries of their favorite goods.

Whether you’re peddling monthly mystery boxes, weekly meal kits, or just about any product that folks would want to keep getting on the regular, Recharge has got your back. It integrates smoothly with Shopify, making it a breeze for store owners to manage the whole subscription lifecycle from a single platform. In a nutshell, if your business model relies on repeat purchases and you value customer retention, Recharge could be your new best friend.

Who Is It Not For?

Now, here's the deal—Recharge might not be everyone's cup of tea. If you're just dipping your toes into the eCommerce world, the pricing might give you a bit of sticker shock. It’s not the most budget-friendly option out there for fresh-faced entrepreneurs or small shops that are still finding their footing. The SaaS and transaction fees can add up, making it a bit of a stretch for those who need to keep a tight rein on the purse strings.

Additionally, if you're looking for a 'set it and forget it' type of tool, you might find Recharge a tad demanding. It's packed with features and customization options, which is great, but it does mean you'll need to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. For those who aren't too keen on a learning curve or who need a hands-off solution, you might want to keep shopping around.

So, if you’re a small-scale merchant with a tight budget, or if you're not ready to invest time into mastering a new app, Recharge might not be the perfect match for you right now.


  • Subscriptions: Offer recurring payments for all the major ecommerce platforms like Shopify, Shopify Plus, BigCommerce, and more. Enable seamless integrations with your favorite widgets and tech stacks like Klaviyo, Gorgias, Stripe, and more.
  • Loyalty: Incentivize customers to keep coming back to your store to win personalized benefits and exclusive rewards. No need to get into the hassle of calculating and remembering points expiry. 
  • Bundles: Boost Average Order Value (AOV) and LTV by up to 2.7x using preset product bundles. Customers can also build their own bundles, and enjoy unlimited flexibility as per their use-case.

  • Flows: Create personalized customer journeys to catalyze LTV. Experiment, measure, and iterate on tactics that maximize revenue. No coding skills required.


Recharge offers a 3-tiered pricing, get started from the Shopify app store:  

  1. STANDARD ($99/month. 1.25% + 19¢ per transaction)

Leverage our Standard subscription plan to quickly and reliably launch subscriptions for your store.

  • Subscriptions
  • Essential subscription management tools
  • No-code customer portal
  • Analytics dashboards
  • Recharge SMS
  • Secure, reliable payment processing, integrates with various payment processors like Stripe, Authorize.net, Braintree by Paypal, and Shopify Payments and others too.
  • Secure, reliable payment processing
  • Integrations with leading providers, including Klaviyo, Gorgias, and Avalara
  • Unified Shopify and BigCommerce checkout
  • Churn prevention tools (e.g. passwordless login, pause/skip subscriptions)
  • Global selling features (e.g. multicurrency, translation, time zone–based processing)

  1. PRO ($499/month. 1% + 19¢ per transaction)

All the capabilities of Subscriptions with the added benefits of Flows and Bundles, plus advanced customizations to unleash the full potential of your store.

Everything in STANDARD plus:

  • Flows
  • Bundles
  • A/B testing, automation, and personalization with Flows
  • Advanced KPI, customer, and product analytics
  • Access to customer portal extensions (e.g. product upsell and cross-sell carousel)
  • Advanced customizations options
  • Javascript SDK and Storefront API access
  • End-to-end domain match across storefront and customer portal
  • Improved transaction fee
  • And more!

  1. CUSTOM (Contact Sales)

Built for large-scale merchants, our Custom plan allows you to unlock all the capabilities of our Pro and Standard plans, plus enhanced support and flexible services.

Everything in PRO plus:

  • Volume-discount pricing plan
  • Premium support with 4-hour response time
  • Dedicated team for implementation
  • Prioritized for early product access
  • And more!

Comes with a 30-day free trial


4.5 / 5 

What do real users have to say about it?

Pros & Cons


Unified Checkout - Single Shopify checkout process regardless of your cart contents

Highly customizable and powerful APIs to enhance customer subscription experience

Flow templates for retention, upsells, churn reduction, and more designed based on the insights of 20,000+ merchants

Direct checkout links that take customers directly to a checkout cart pre-populated with the exact right product and subscription period.


SaaS fees and transaction fees can make the solution expensive for small merchants

Some users complain that the customer portal for managing subscriptions is not very intuitive and has a steep learning curve

Limited support on weekend or after hours

No Free Plan

Our Review of the Recharge Shopify App

After extensive testing and thorough examination of the Recharge Shopify app, we've gathered a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities, user experience, and overall impact on the subscription-based business model. Below is our objective review, broken down into key aspects of the app.

User Interface and Experience

Upon first glance, Recharge presents a clean and intuitive user interface. Navigating through the various features is straightforward, which is a significant advantage for busy store owners who need to implement subscription services quickly. There are a lot of pros for a subscription business that can save time, money and effort on your subscription products. The dashboard provides a clear overview of subscription metrics, which we found invaluable for at-a-glance business health checks.

However, it's worth noting that while the initial setup is user-friendly, delving into deeper customization options requires a bit of a learning curve. We found that store owners who are willing to invest a bit of time into understanding these features can significantly benefit from the app's full potential.

Subscription Management Tools

Recharge's subscription management tools are comprehensive. The app excels at handling various subscription options and provides store owners with the flexibility to offer a range of subscription plans. This flexibility extends to managing customer accounts, where customers can pause, skip, or cancel subscriptions without requiring intervention from the store owner—this autonomy is something we found contributes positively to the customer experience.

Integration and Compatibility

When we rolled up our sleeves to see how well Recharge plays with other apps and services, we were seriously impressed. It is highly compatible with the Shopify ecosystem. It's not just about whether it can fit into your current setup of the online store—it's about how it elevates the whole operation. For instance, when we linked Recharge with Klaviyo, we could trigger email sequences that felt personal and timely. Customers on a subscription plan received updates that made sense for where they were in their journey—not just generic blasts.

And it's not only about marketing. The synergy with customer support tools like Gorgias was a standout feature. Support teams had access to subscription details right next to customer queries, making for a smoother service experience. It’s these kinds of integrations that can make a store feel more like a well-oiled machine rather than a patchwork of separate tools.

Customer Support and Resources

Good support can be the difference between a minor hiccup and a full-blown crisis. During our testing, Recharge’s support was put through the wringer with an array of issues we concocted. Each time, we found their team to be not just quick to respond, but genuinely savvy in guiding us to a resolution. For the go-getters who like to figure things out on their own, the self-service resources were comprehensive, up-to-date, and surprisingly clear. We felt supported, and that’s a big deal.

Pricing Structure

Let's talk numbers. Recharge's pricing plans are not just line items; they're a consideration that will sit with you every month. For the small business owner, these fees need to make sense in the grand ledger of running a business. It's a balance of investment versus return, and while the transaction fees can add up, they're part of a package that could streamline your operations in a way that justifies the cost.

For the larger operations, where scale is the name of the game, Recharge's Pro and Custom plans offer a depth of service that can match high demands. We took a close look at the advanced features available in these tiers and saw potential for serious analytics and customization that could drive business growth. It’s about looking beyond the initial cost to the potential lift in revenue and customer engagement.

Performance and Reliability

Performance-wise, Recharge didn't just talk the talk; it walked the walk. We stress-tested it by simulating peak traffic and a flood of new subscriptions. The platform held firm, processing transactions without a stutter. This kind of reliability is huge because it translates directly to customer trust—something you can't afford to lose in the subscription game.

Overall Impact on Business

The overarching question we sought to answer was: How does Recharge affect the businesses that implement it? Our findings are that Recharge can be a catalyst for positive change within a subscription-based business model. The automation of subscription management processes frees up significant amounts of time—time that can be reinvested into business growth strategies or enhancing customer service. The impact on customer lifetime value (LTV) and average order value (AOV) can be substantial, provided that the app is used to its fullest potential, leveraging its analytics and customization options to fine-tune the subscription offerings.

Final Thoughts

After putting the Recharge Shopify app through its paces and integrating it into our daily workflow, we're poised to give you the straight talk on whether it's the right fit for your business. If you're at the point where your Shopify store is ready to scale and you're looking to solidify customer loyalty through recurring orders rather than one time purchases, Recharge could be your next smart move. It's got a rich feature set that caters to a dynamic subscription model, and it's user-friendly enough that you won't feel lost at sea.

But let's be real—Recharge isn't a magic wand. While it handles the heavy lifting of subscription orders, it does come with a cost that startups or those watching their budget might balk at. And while it's generally straightforward to use, there's a depth to its customization that may require you to get your hands dirty with some configurations.

So, where does that leave us with Recharge? It's a robust app, and for the right Shopify store, it could be a game-changer. If its price tag and the initial time investment to get things running smoothly aren't deterrents for your revenue streams, then our advice is to consider giving it a shot. With all the insights we've shared, you're now better equipped to decide if Recharge aligns with your business’s path forward.

Julien Mamalian

CEO, Bloggle

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle. Our mission? To assist merchants worldwide in crafting compelling articles that rank high in SEO and truly engage their audience. In just 3 years, over 2,000 clients have trusted us, publishing more than 55,000 articles through Bloggle. Thanks to them, I’ve learned the keys to success and the pitfalls to avoid

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Julien Mamalian

After an exciting 5 years of designing and optimizing Shopify sites for well-known French startups, I launched Bloggle.

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