Pick products from a Collection or even one by one
Updated a product? Changes are automatically updated on your blog
Choose between 4 different layouts
Trusted by 2000+ merchants
Single Products
Embed a single product in articles to keep the reader focus.
Grid view
Display up to 12 products in your blog posts. They will display as a grid to take an important place.
Gallery View
Display up to 8 products in a slider to let merchant swipe as they want.
Text + Product
Give information on a specific product and showcase it at the same time.
With Bloggle, you can select the products you want to add for each blog post. You can add as many products you want and place them anywhere in your blog page.
Bloggle is a Shopify blog builder that helped 2000+ merchants to publish 55,000 blogs in two years.
While we don't have a free plan, we do have a free trial (10-days). Then the app is priced $39/mo.
No! 😱
Bloggle is a complete Shopify blog builder. You will be able to create highly personalized blogs with our drag-end-drop editor while ranking higher by following our SEO advice.
You will be able to use all your theme's styles directly in Bloggle. Bloggle is also compatible with Shopify websites from scratch.
This Is Why 2000+ Shopify Merchants Love Bloggle
Bloggle really helped us improve the style of our blogs, plus the ability to easily display products is a huge win. The support is great as well. I'm excited to dig into their SEO optimization tools.
Eight Saints
The app is just AMAZING! Everything I ever wanted for our blog and SEO is here... and their support team is just ANOTHER LEVEL!
Excellent tool to make your blog very clean, eye-appealing, and 100% SEO oriented.
Finally a way to create beautiful blog posts for our Shopify site! I've been having a great experience using Bloggle, and their customer support and Julien have been very reliable, fast, and overall wonderful!